For business managers

Digital Benchmark offers a free and intuitive platform for business owners and managers. Use our data-driven insights to guide strategy, compliance and maximise your potential.

Problems we help you solve:

Digital Benchmark helps you increase your relevance with customers and prospects.
Help you establish the link between growth metrics, ESG, financial performance and sustainable business practices.

Upload your Data

Upload your data and company information in minutes

Compare & Measure

Measure your benchmark results and compare your business to a competitor set

Actionable Insights

Start improving by implementing best practices

For advisors

Digital Benchmark offers an intuitive platform for advisors and investors so they can operate in this new business paradigm. Keep abreast of competitive movements along with your portfolio’s performance.

Problems we help you solve:

Collecting, measuring and providing visibility of finance, grow metrics and ESG performance at scale.
The absence of industry platforms or standards.
Time-wasting and outdated insights resulting from disparate and inefficient benchmarking tools.
Establish the link between financial performance and ESG led business models.

Upload your Data

Upload your portfolio’s datasets in minutes



Compare your own portfolio performance while also being able to benchmark across the broader benchmark cohorts

Actionable Insights

Digital Benchmark surface best practices across. Start implementing improvements across your portfolio companies

See how Digital Benchmark can help you make better business decisions